Frequently asked questions

Q1. What is ratifi®?
ratifi® provides data analysis, storage and alarm notification for cadmus® wifi data logging products.
Q2. What is cadmus®?
cadmus® is a temperature and humidity data logger with wifi enabled communications. The device can be battery powered or externally powered.
Click here to find out more about cadmus®
Q3. What kind of external sensors are supported on cadmus®?
cadmus® has four external channels.
Two laboratory accuracy Platinum Resistance Thermometer (Pt1000) channels, with a range of -200℃ to +400℃ (-328℉ to +752℉).
Two discrete digital inputs for dry contact switches or logic voltage sensors. For example: monitor Fridge/Freezer door open/close events.
Q4. Are cadmus® batteries user replaceable?
Yes. cadmus® uses two Lithium Thionyl Chloride (Li-SOCI2) batteries, with a nominal voltage of 3.6V and a capacity of 2600mAh each. We only recommend Saft LS14500 Batteries, as only this battery will give the correct low battery warning when capacity drops below 20%. Batteries can be purchased through Signatrol re-sellers or good electricial suppliers.
Note: When replacing batteries never use used batteries. Always replace both batteries as a pair and always reset the battery counter via ratifi® or cadmus-config software.
Q5. How long do the internal batteries last?
Battery life is dependent on the following variables:
  • Upload rate, how often the device connects to WiFi to upload its data.
  • Store rate, how often data is stored.
  • Ambient temperature of the batteries
  • WiFi signal strength
  • High frequency of sensor alarms. Alarms over-ride the upload rate setting to inform users of issues as soon as possible.
Signatrol recommended a 10 minute store rate with a 30 minute upload rate. This will give an estimated battery life of 1.75years.
Q6. How often are alarm points monitored, and do I need to wait for the next upload rate period to expire to receive the alarm notifications?
cadmus® monitors sensor alarms every 60 seconds. This is independant of the store rate. If an alarm state has changed, the device will over-ride the store rate and upload rate settings and store and upload instantly. Then return to the configured store and upload rates.
Q7. What is the fast sample rate possible?
cadmus® samples its sensors every 60 seconds. But data is stored to local memory based on the store rate. The fastest store rate is 1 minute and the slowest 1 hour. To preserve battery life we typically recommend a store rate between 5 and 15 minutes. Remember sensor alarms will over-ride the store range to store the data when an alarm condition changes state.
Q8. Can device configurations be changed remote via the ratifi® cloud?
Yes. Most settings can be modified via the cloud. This includes enabling channels, alarm settings, etc. Configuration changes are queued on the ratifi® cloud and sent to the device on the next connection period (upload rate).
WiFi settings and credential changes cannot be completed via the cloud, these changes must be made via the USB connection on the device itself.
Note: Configuration changes can only be completed by system administrators.
Q9. Does cadmus® support external power sources?
Yes. External power from 9.0 to 24.0 VDC @ 2 watts minimum. This is applied to the internal screw terminal connector.
Q10. I need to monitor pharmaceutical supplies in a fridge, many in liquid form. Measuring the air temperature inside the fridge, causes frequent alarms. How can I monitor the product temperature not the air temperature?
There are a number of solutions to this problem.
  • Insert the air temperature probe into a Load Bottle (Thermal Buffer Bottle). Signatrol stock 50ml (CADMUS-ACC-03) and 200ml (CADMUS-ACC-04). Both operate over the range -40℃ to +80℃ (-40℉ to +176℉). Bottles contain food Grade Mono-propylene Glycol 55% solution.
    Bottle response times are: 50ml = 10mins (T10-T90) & 200ml = 20mins (T10-T90).
    Bottles support probe diameters from 3.0 to 6.5mm
  • If air temperature measurement is acceptable. But alarms trigger when opening the fridge or freezers door. An alarm delay can be applied via to a specific channel. The delay is configurable between 0 and 10 minutes. This time determins how long the alarm condition is true before the actual alarm is raised. Typically a 5 minute delay should remove most alarms due to temporary door openings.